We have 2 ways of shipping: from Russia or from the States. 

Times are hard (fuck COVID-19!), we put too much in logistics to make it more or less nice.

- all CKF or MKAD production knives are shipped from the States

USPS First Class ( CONUS, from States to States ONLY ) - $6

USPS Priority Mail ( CONUS, from States to States ONLY ) - $10

Shipping from USA (Worldwide) - for CKF production knives - $83

- all customized knives, hanks, beads are shipped from Russia

DHL from Russia - $57

Russian Post - $15

- We ship worldwide except CANADA, RUSSIA, AUSTRALIA, Israel, Ukraine. Why? Because of customs, problems in the past,or other reasons. 

We live in hard times. We fulfill our obligation when we ship the goods to Customer. The buyer has to be patient and bear all costs and risks from that point of time.


- You may check your tracking number in your site account. Login ---> Orders.


  • We Accept PayPal payments (4th step when you make order)
  • We Accept credit and debit cards via PayPal
  • We Accept 26 currencies from 203 countries
  • We Accept PayPal Credit payments (U.S. only)


As we produce only limited quantity of every design, CKF knives do have limited 12 months warranty. We guarantee the quality of our knives for the entire duration of the 12 months if our knives are subject to normal use and maintenance (see below). If the knife breaks due to a fault on our part, we will repair the knife for free or make full refund.

Using and caring CKF knife:

  1. Keep the knife in a warm and dry place, or at temperatures customary for the particular time of the year. Do not expose the knife to humidity or aggressive mediums, such as, but not limited to, corrosive substances.
  2. Do not apply excessive force, which can lead to partial or complete destruction of the knife or its individual parts.
  3. Use social norms and common sense when evaluating the need to use your CKF knife.
  4. CKF knives are not meant to be used as professional production tools.
  5. As with any other mechanical device, a CKF knife needs regular maintenance and oiling in line with manufacturer’s recommendations.
  6. Be careful and pay attention during maintenance of your CKF knife. Our knives are made with high precision, and incorrect disassembly or assembly can lead to damaging the knife and voiding the warranty.

Warranty conditions:

  1. The warranty only encompasses the models which are currently manufactured by the CKF. If a model has been discontinued, warranty continues to be valid exactly 12 months after the last knife of this particular model has been made.


CKF and only sell top shelf knives and other stuff and we want you to be stoked with your purchase. However, if you are not happy, we have the following return policies:

- You must notify us within three business days of the item being delivered

- All returns MUST have a Return from prior to being sent back

- You have three days from receipt of item to contact us and request a Return

- All items must be returned in the same condition as they were received. This means if you carry a knife or cut stuff with it, or put any wear or handling marks on the item, it is yours

- You are responsible for the knife until it reaches us, so please send insured and packed well

- Shipping and Return Policy works only with production knives, not customs.

- Please allow 5-7 business days for us to process your return. You will be issued a refund for the cost of the item minus original shipping charges. If your order qualified for our free shipping deal, we will deduct the actual cost of shipping (it is ~ $30) your order from the refunded amount

CKF is still a small business. We are not Wal-Mart. Returns cost us money in credit card fees, labor, etc. Not to mention, it is tying up gear that could have been sold instead of being shipped back and forth.

  • We have had obviously used knives returned to us
  • People wanting the same knife model sent over and over till they get a "perfect" one
  • People who are either indecisive or get scared when the credit card bill comes due and have returned more knives than they have kept.

If you fall into any of these categories, please do everybody a favor and buy your gear at a show where you can hold it first hand.


  • Ножи возможно купить, оплатив рублями по курсу ЦБ на день покупки
  • По Москве доставка курьером (бесплатно), в регионы по 100% предоплате Почтой России 1 Класса
  • Телефонный номер, по которому можно задать все вопросы: 8-800-555-04-91


ИП Кулыгин Михаил Владимирович
Юридический адрес: 119361, г.Москва, ул.Б.Очаковская, д.3
Фактический адрес: 119361, г.Москва, ул.Б.Очаковская, д.3
ИНН/КПП: 502411698879
ОГРН и дата его присвоения: Cв-во огрнип серия 77 N 017051578, выдан 16.10.2014
Банк: Альфа-Банк, р/с 40802810702830000512, к/с 30101810200000000593, БИК 044525593
Телефон: 8-800-555-04-91



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